Notice of Giant hogweed located on the Uhthoff Trail

Details of notice

Township of Severn has noted occurrences of Giant hogweed along the edges of the Uhthoff Trail, primarily in the areas of Division Road and Carlyon Line, and Uhthoff Line and Foxmead Road

Impacts to trail users

The trail will remain open to all users. Please stay on the designated trail and avoid entering any vegetated areas that may contain Giant hogweed. 

Information on Giant hogweed

Giant hogweed is an invasive plant that has been found in Severn. Invasive species  are harmful non-native trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants that are spread by trade, human and animal transport, and gardening. Most invasive species negatively impact how ecosystems function and can be harmful to native plants and wildlife. Giant hogweed can also be harmful to human health, as the sap from the plant can cause severe burns to the skin. Touching or removing hogweed can be dangerous because of this sap, and burning or composting is not a safe removal method. 

What Giant hogweed looks like

Giant hogweed is an invasive plant that can grow up to six metres high.

It has:

  • dark green and coarsely toothed leaves
  • hollow, straight green stem which may have dark purple or red spots
  • large, umbrella-shaped head that can grow up to 60 centimetres in diameter
  • multiple small, white flowers on the head

Management of Giant hogweed

Municipal property

Township of Severn will note, inspect, and spray any Giant hogweed located within municipal road allowances and on Township property once per year. If you observe Giant hogweed on municipal property, please contact our Municipal Law Enforcement Officer

Private property

If you have Giant hogweed on your property, you are responsible for removing it. It is recommended that you hire a professional exterminator. Extreme caution should be taken as this plant can cause serious side effects when handled incorrectly. To report a sighting of Giant hogweed on private property, please contact the Invasive Species Coordinator at the Severn Sound Environmental Association

Additional resources