Transportation Master Plan    

Township of Severn has retained McIntosh Perry to undertake a study to update our Transportation Master Plan. The plan will serve as a road map for short-range, medium-range and long-range transportation infrastructure investments. It will guide how we:

  • develop our roadways
  • coordinate infrastructure improvements with land uses
  • respond to future growth and demand on our transportation network


The Transportation Master Plan study has three phases:

  1. assess the existing conditions, area context and specific challenges
  2. assess traffic operations and road safety
    • assess the Township's transportation needs
    • develop preferred solutions to meet those needs
    • update existing policies and develop design standards to align with our goals
  3. refine the preferred solutions and develop a comprehensive TMP document

Have your say

At any time during this study, you can provide comments, questions and concerns to the project team.

We invite you to provide input on:

  • local traffic conditions
  • road safety
  • transportation facilities
  • other feedback or concerns

Virtual open houses

We will hold virtual open houses to present:

  • an overview of the study and existing conditions (fall 2021)
  • alternatives, evaluation and study recommendations

Learn more

Stay tuned for project updates and provide your input!

Learn more

Privacy statement

Information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act. Information collected will be used and managed by the Township of Severn in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy ActIf you require additional information, please view our Freedom of Information and Routine Disclosure Policy.

Contact us

For further information or to be added to the study mailing list, please contact the study team:

Derek Burke
Director of Public Works
Township of Severn
Phone: 705-325-2315 x230
Email Derek

Mehemed Delibasic, P.Eng.
Consultant Project Manager
McIntosh Perry
Phone: 647-463-2022
Email Mehemed