You need to apply for a septic permit to add a septic system to your property. A septic system is a private waste disposal and treatment system. If your property doesn't connect to the municipal sewer system, you may need to install a septic system on your property.

Apply for a septic permit

Please review the Septic permit application package below. Contact us with any questions or email us your completed application. 

Septic permit application package


Depending on the project, you may require upgrades to an existing septic or the installation of a new septic system. 

Septic system permit fees
Permit typeCost
New septic system $694
Sewage repair system $462
Septic bed replacement $462
Septic tank replacement $462
Holding tank (Class 5) $532
Leaching pit (Class 2) $381

Fees are indexed on January 1 of each year.

Septic permit checklist

Please include the following information with your permit application:

Installing a septic

All test holes should be 5 feet deep and 50 feet apart.

Septic inspections

In order to ensure that your septic system is functioning properly and not leaking or causing harm to the surrounding environment, you will need to get an inspection once the permit is issued and before the septic is covered. Please contact us to book a septic inspection. Learn more about our septic re-inspection program.

Compliance letters

Compliance letters are typically requested during the sale of a property or a mortgage renewal. They provide information regarding open or closed building permits, septic files, non-compliance or non-conformance, by-law infractions, etc. To request a compliance letter visit our Zoning page